Standards Representation


AFAC is represented on some 80 Australian Standards Committees and 3 International Standards committees


The AFAC Council at its April 2000 meeting endorsed a Working Party report which contained a new AFAC approach to representation on Standards Australia committees.


The central planks of the approach are:

·      All fire service representation on Standards Australia committees shall be under the auspices of AFAC


·       Representation should be on behalf of AFAC and any individual agency representation should be evaluated and transferred to AFAC representation


·      The number of committee any individual serves on should be capped at two committees and three sub committee or project groups. 


·      AFAC will fund air travel to all meetings including sub committees and working groups


·      Membership of all committees including sub committees and working groups are to be endorsed by AFAC and the relevant Strategy Group


·      All agencies should be encouraged to encouraged to nominate delegates to represent AFAC on Standards Australia committees

·      Continuity of committee representation and attendance should be regarded as the highest



·      The guidelines for representation on Standards Australia and other technical committees be adopted by all strategy groups





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